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1000 Followers in LinkedIn. Let’s stop and celebrate

There are times in a company when you really need to stop and celebrate.

We published our first post on 12th August, 2020 and we promised to follow with more so as to share our other values, our consulting experience, our training and our collaboration with so many special professional people.

Since then we have had:

  • 6705 views on our Linkedin page

  • 2077 single visitors

but above all 1000 followers.

We added a glossary of Kaizen terms ( , talked about soft skills ( ), recounted company improvements , focused on our clients (, presented our weekly courses (, explained our collaboration with training institutions ( and shared our LeanBet experiences (

We published articles in the prestigious Logistica Management magazine:

Today we are celebrating the many small improvements of this year but as of tomorrow we’re back to work with the humility and determination that characterizes our team.

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